Navigate to video: Showreel
Video (00:52)


At Media Technology we help you communicate successfully through film, regardless of your idea or needs. Our productions cover a wide range, from recruitment videos to research communication, lectures, and studio recordings. Get in touch with us and we will find a comprehensive solution, from content planning and visual concepts to delivery in the right format

Starting a film project often means venturing into unknown territory for many. How does it actually work?

Before ordering a production, it's important to think through the purpose and message of the film. Our briefs include questions about the content you expect and how you envision using the production. Based on your answers, we then provide a realistic cost proposal. We charge an hourly rate for all our productions, and the price can vary greatly depending on the type of production you require.

The brief also includes concrete tips on what to consider in the preparations. For example, if we are going to film on location, the filming team needs access to the location well in advance of the shoot to set up all the equipment.

Once you have approved the quote, we kick off the pre-production phase. Typically, we start with a joint planning meeting where we outline the continued work.

You set the deadline, and we tailor our production accordingly. You will have the opportunity to review the edited material and provide feedback and any necessary corrections well before the agreed deadline.

Questions? Feel free to contact our customer account manager, Sara Fyrberg!


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